Sunday 17 April 2011

Sandwich bread

There is just something about making your own bread, the comforting smell it brings to the house and the amazing taste that only comes from fresh baked bread made with love.

Makes one bread

400ml Lactofree milk
50g dairy free margarine
2 teaspoons dried active yeast
2 teaspoons salt
2 teaspoons golden syrup
200g wholemeal flour
450-500g plain white flour

1.       In a pan heat milk and margarine until it comes to finger temperature (when it doesn’t feel warm or cold to the touch).
2.       Pour the milk into a bowl, add the yeast and let it stand for 5-10 minutes for the yeast to dissolve and activate.
3.       Stir in the salt and golden syrup and ad the whole meal flour.
4.       Slowly add the plain flour a bit at a time until the dough sticks together, then turn out on a floured work top and knead in more flour until it doesn’t stick to your hands anymore.
5.       Knead the dough for about 5 minutes till it becomes flexible and springy.
6.       Transfer to a bowl and cover, let rise for 45 minutes or double size.
7.       Turn out on the work surface and knock back a few times, then roll into a sausage the length of the bread mold.
8.       Butter the bread tin with a bit of margarine and transfer the dough to the tin.
9.       Let it rise for about another hour or till it has doubled in size.
10.   Heat up oven to 200C.
11.   Bake the bread for about 25-30 minutes, when you turn it out of the tin it should sound hollow when you tap the bottom.
12.   Let to cool on a wire rack before cutting.

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