Wednesday 25 May 2011

Caramel coffee frappuccino

My boyfriend came home with a Starbucks frappuccino today, and I just remembered how much I use to like those before finding out about my Lactose intolerance.
And when you really crave something, the only thing for it is to make it yourself.
Makes 2 glasses
A big glass filled with ice cubes
4 tablespoons of espresso coffee or strong coffee
2 teaspoons caramel sauce + more for drizzling, click here for recipe
Lactofree milk
100ml lactofree cream
Make the coffee and dissolve the caramel sauce into the hot coffee, set it aside to cool.
when the coffee is cooled, whip the cream into whipped cream and set aside
Transfer ice to a blender, ad the coffee caramel mixture and top up with milk so it almost covers the ice cubes.
Blend until you can't hear any big pieces of ice being blended any more.
Transfer to 2 glasses and decorate with whip cream and caramel sauce.
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  1. This looks amazing! I've been into a number of coffee chains to ask if they do soya versions of their chilled drinks, and while most of them said yes, unfortuantely most of them are horrible.

    Starbucks ones were nice, but Nero apparently use lactose in their sugar syrup so can't put any sweetness in their soya chilled coffees (and, of course, granulated sugar doesn't dissolve in cold liquids!)

    Looking forward to trying this out - thanks :-D

  2. Hi Sharon

    I am so glad you like my post :-) and hope you like the recipe when you try it, please let me know how you get on and if you like it.

