Wednesday 14 March 2012

Banana split with a twist

I just didn’t feel like a normal banana split, so I made this up the other day, inspired from when I sometimes make fried banana with maple syrup for pancakes.

Makes 4

For the flambéed bananas:
2-3 bananas
Lactofree butter or dairy free margarine
2 tablespoons of maple syrup
50ml rum

For assembly:
Lactofree ice cream
Dulce de leche or caramel sauce
Chocolate syrup
Chopped roasted nuts after choice like hazelnuts, walnuts or pecans
Lactofree whipped cream
Cocktail cherries

(click on the names that are grey to get the recipe for it).

Cut the bananas in 4, length wise and in half.
On a hot pan, fry in some butter/margarine until they start to brown a bit.
poor the maple syrup over the bananas, and let them caramelise a bit.
Take the pan off the heat. Heat up the rum (I use a metal ladle over a gas flame), then set fire to it using a match and poor over the bananas, (but PLEASE PLEASE be careful if you have not tried this before, flambéing something can make really big flames, so don’t get hurt and always have cold running while doing this).

Ones flames have died and the bananas has cooled for just a few minutes, arrange them on the plates.
Place 2 scoops of ice cream on top, followed by dulce de leche and chocolate syrup.
Finish off with a big spoon of whipped cream, nuts and a cherry on top.



  1. I found out January this year that I was lactose intolerant - it may be temporary but I'm starting to adjust & although find it hard sometimes I feel like I'm a bit healthier for it!

    I love your recipes and blog - has given me some really good ideas!

    I also have a blog (beauty & general musings though) if you would like to take a look!

    1. Hi Tanice

      Very lovely blog you have :-)

      I am very glad you can use and find my blog helpful, it really means a lot and the reason I am doing it.
      Know it can be difficult when you just find out that you are lactose intolerant, but you are so right you do eat and feel better :-)

      Hope you have a lovely weekend
