Tuesday 25 September 2012

Hot Chocolate for autumn weather

So haven’t been blogging for a long time, and the reason is I have been moving. We have moved in to an old house that needs a lot of updating, especially the kitchen needs to be replaced, so there might not be a lot of post in the near future as well.

At the moment we are so busy fixing up the house, that there isn’t a lot of time for us to cook anyway even if we had a new kitchen. So at the moment most of our meals are whatever is easy and quick, but I still try and eat healthy. So if you would like for me to share easy but healthy meals with you let me know in a comment below.
I don’t know if anyone else is starting to feel like autumn is creeping in on us, but I have defiantly felt like I needed to find the big sweaters for the evenings lately. And another thing that I have had a few times that would suggest autumn is near is hot chocolate. I simply use my chocolate syrup (click here for recipe), which is almost a steady thing I have in the fridge, and just add it to hot milk. So easy for when you need something warm and sweet, and then just drink on its own or top with some marshmallows or some lactofree whip cream that is my favorite and on the picture above.
If you try this recipe, please let me know in the comments what you think.


  1. If you want to mix up you hot choc a bit, I recommend using Soya Milk with Calcium (they should del it in supermarkets) as it tends to be a bit sweeter and makes the drink taste divine :)
    Good luck with the move and all the unpacking!
    Ibbs x x


    1. I am unfortunately intolerant to soy as well, plus not a big fan of the taste either to be honest. But sounds great if you don't have a problem with it :-)
