Saturday 1 March 2014

Spelt pancakes (creps) for pancake day

So pancake day is only a few days away, so I thought I would share with you my spelt pancake recipe. For anyone who doesn't know what spelt is, is a different grain than wheat, but in the same family. It is an older type of grain, that has a bit more of a nutty undertone and some people find it easier to digest than wheat flour.
These thin and delicious beauties are so yummy and not really that bad for you with the right filling.
For this pancake day, I have filled mine with sliced bananas and a little of my white sugar free chocolate syrup, click Here to see recipe.
Makes about 8-9 pancakes

120g fine-ish spelt flour
2 eggs
300ml Lactofree milk
1/2 teaspoon cinnamon (optional)
2 tablespoon of Lactofree butter, plus more for frying.

Whisk flour, eggs and a little of the milk until completely smooth and lump free. Then add the rest of the milk and cinnamon and whisk well.
In the pan over low heat, melt the butter, then slowly add to the pancake dough while mixing. With the leftover butter having greased you pan, put the heat up to medium heat. When the pan is hot enough, Add 2-3 tablespoons batter (depending on the size of the pan) and swirl to completely cover bottom of the pan. Cook until underside of pancake is golden brown, 2 to 3 minutes. Flip pancake and cook for about a minute or two more on the other side.
When all the pancakes have cooked, fill with some sliced up bananas and a tiny bit of chocolate syrup.

Happy Pancake day

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